Supporting resources

From this page, you may access a range of support materials related to mathematical modelling. The resources are designed to meet at least two purposes:

  1. To support students, parents and team supervisors as they prepare for the International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IM²C).
  2. To encourage and support the greater use of mathematical modelling more generally as part of mathematics teaching and learning in schools.

The main aim of the resource material, and of the IM²C, is to promote mathematical modelling and encourage teachers and students to explore the application of mathematics in real situations to solve important problems.

The supporting resources are presented in two forms:

  • Separate elements are available via the menu items at the left of the page – these can be accessed selectively according to the purpose at hand.
  • The materials have also been consolidated into a downloadable guidebook.

The materials both behind the menu items, and in the guidebook, provide example problems and practice activities, along with theoretical frameworks, to develop and enhance students’ ability to visualise, understand and apply mathematics in real-world contexts, providing a link between theory and real-world application.

The "Mathematical Modelling - A guidebook for teachers and teams" may be downloaded, copied, shared and distributed freely to encourage students to participate in the IM²C.